Safety & EMS Certifications

Safety Certifications

JAS-ANZ ISO 45001 Certification

ISO 45001 is an internationally recognised occupational health and safety certification which allows businesses to demonstrate that they have a strong focus on the safety and wellbeing of their employees and contractors.   Full implementation gives companies a comprehensive health and safety framework to minimise risk whilst maximising safety and compliance in the day-to-day operations of the business.

JAS-ANZ ISO 45001 & Non-JAS-ANZ Conformance Statements

Many organisations are now requiring that their contractors have some sort of safety certification or conformance statement in place.  iSQE can help you achieve full ISO certification through the relevant certifying body or can provide a non-JAS-ANZ safety conformance statement.

Hazard & Risk Identification & Controls

ISO 45001 certification integrates with ISO 9001 and extends this to include an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system.  Achieving ISO certification or a conformance statement is focused on hazard/risk identification and controls which has three main stages


Identifying and assessing potential hazards and risks within the workplace.


Implementing systems, checks and measures to minimise and manage hazards/risks.


Regular internal auditing to measure the success of the OH&S system to ensure compliance and continual improvement.

Helping Formalise OH&S In The Workplace

iSQE consultants can work alongside your existing OH&S team to help you implement a safety management system.  If you don’t have anything formal in place we provide you with manuals, checklists, templates and registers which can be adapted to your business requirements.

EMS Certification

JAS-ANZ ISO 14001 EMS Certification

ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised Environmental Management System (EMS). Implementation validates a business’s commitment to minimising its impacts on the environment to create a sustainable future.   

ISO independent certification provides companies with an environmental plan to sustainably manage resources, energy and waste to minimise the environmental impacts of its operations.

JAS-ANZ ISO 14001 & Non-JAS-ANZ Conformance Statement

With climate change and the environment being such a major issue, having an environmental certification can be a significant competitive advantage as it proves the organisations commitment to protecting the environment.   iSQE consultants will guide you through the environmental certification process and provide ISO certifications through the relevant certifying body. 

EMS Conformance Statement

Where JAS-ANZ ISO certification is not needed, we can work with you to plan and implement an environmental management system (EMS).  The system will be audited, and our team can issue an EMS conformance statement.  A conformance statement is a great way for small to medium-sized businesses to minimise their environmental impacts without the expense of JAS-ANZ ISO certification.

Environmental Aspects & Impacts

ISO 14001 certification integrates nicely with ISO 9001 and broadens it to include an environmental management system (EMS).  Achieving ISO JAS-ANZ certification or a conformance statement centres around understanding how the business impacts the environment and where it could make improvements to operate more sustainably.  An EMS encompasses the following:


Identifying and assessing the environmental impacts of the business including energy consumption, resource efficiencies, sourcing, distribution and waste management, etc.


Compliance with legal requirements and EPA (environmental protection agency) regulations.


Implementing systems, checks and measures to protect the environment and manage sustainability.


Regular internal auditing to measure the success of the EMS and ensure compliance and continual improvement.

Creating Sustainable Operating Systems

Environmental independent certification is not only good for the planet, but it is also good for the organisation.  Implementing an EMS often leads to reduced energy costs, a reduction in waste, better levels of recycling and a more sustainable approach to business which builds credibility and enhances a brands reputation.


iSQE ISO Auditing

As certified auditors, iSQE can undertake the regular annual audits required for ongoing compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 45001 & ISO 14001 or non-JAS-ANZ conformance statements.


Before auditing your business, we will issue an audit plan and the audit checklist so you have full visibility of what the audit will cover.


Most audits are conducted both in-person. Some audits can be conducted remotely via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet or Facetime.  At the end of the audit, there will be an exit meeting where we will discuss our findings.


On completion of the audit, you will be issued an audit report.  This details any corrective actions required in order of priority.  If there are no major issues identified in the report a conformance statement or JAS-ANZ endorsed certificate will be issued immediately.

Call to find out more or book your free consultation.

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0455 213 286

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